Wednesday, March 14, 2007



Oh, to be this angel!
On this particular mission!
Dressed for the occasion!
Fra Giovanni De Fiesole has swept the canvas
with ivory, hot pink and gold.
Her wings extend through the portico.
One foot forward, she leans toward Mary.
A tapered finger cautions;
another points to the Virgin, a supporting player.
The angel's knee bends beneath the gold embroidered gown;
a medallioned aura frames elaborate hair.
The sin of the first parents, rear stage left,
is a bad memory, a shadow, as the dove
hovers above Mary's head.
The angel makes her announcement with savoir faire.
This is the story that will frame her life.
This is why she was made to be.

Susan Herport Methvin


James Palmer said...

Thanks so much for doing this! What an amazing tribute! I think that one of the blessings from last week is that were are all closer... Thanks for helping to keep us all remembering Babasus!

Cindy DuBois said...

What's in a name? Who is this "Susan" I ask myself? And where's my friend of 50 years, Susie? I remember the first time I called her after she married Andy. He answered the phone then turned and said, "It's someone asking for Susie!" We had a good laugh over that. I still have all of the letters she sent me--long before there was email. She's going to be famous some day, you know.

So now I ponder: is it Susan or Susie? And then I know the answer. Her spirit, her love of life, her wonderful, quirky, FUNNY self--by any other name is as sweet.

I will miss you, dear friend. But I will never forget you.